Socket Preservation

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Socket Preservation


At High Cosmetic Dentist, we offer socket preservation, a procedure aimed at maintaining the structure and integrity of the jawbone following a tooth extraction. Socket preservation prevent the undesirable consequences of socket healing, such as bone resorption and loss of ridge volume, thus preserving the natural contours of the ridge, which is crucial to increase the success rates of subsequent procedures like dentures or implant-supported restorations.

Socket preservation involves placing a bone graft material into the empty socket where the tooth once was. This bone graft serves as a scaffold for new bone growth, preventing the surrounding bone from collapsing and preserving the natural contours of the jaw. In some cases, a membrane may also be placed over the graft to act as a barrier, preventing the soft tissue ingrowth into the socket, which can impede bone regeneration, creating a protective environment that shields the graft material from disruption and enhances the healing process.